One of the most anticipated telecommunications events of the year is the EuCNC & 6G Summit. It brings together leading-edge research, well-known businesses, and global industries to present and discuss the most recent developments in the deployment of 5G, the mobile IoT, 6G exploration, and future communications systems. In order to participate in the 2023 edition, ETHER project partners traveled to Gothenburg (Sweden) from June 6 until June 9. The development of the project integrating the Non-Terrestrial Network (NTN) into the upcoming 6G infrastructure was presented in the workshop by our project coordinator, Dr. Konstantinos Ntontin, University of Luxembourg.
ETHER project, in collaboration with 6G-NTN, 6G-SANDBOX Project, and 5G-STARDUST presented their projects at the «Aligning European NTN Convergence and Integration» session, which provided an overview on how the various initiatives can all contribute to a coherent strategy to achieve NTN/TN convergence in Europe. More information on this session is found here.